Collection: Goldfish Kiss

-About- _ _

Seattle-based artist Rebekah Steen Rebekah Steen's watercolor paintings have landed in Japan for the first time in collaboration with cute products.

Its name is "Goldfish Kiss".

The name of the art series "Goldfish Kiss" is rooted in the bikini that she cherished as a child.

"It's a simple reenactment of a scene with two goldfish kissing in a bra top. I love this bikini and I wear it everywhere I go. So I've been doing all things tropical. I also named the brand name Goldfish Kiss, which expresses my love for it in the form of art.”

Wandering in nature, she expresses the inspiration she feels in her daily life with the sea, mountains, and music in her art. Her products are long-awaited and landed in Japan for the first time. You can experience the world view in Ebisu, Tokyo.

4 products